The phrase “education is key to success” is something that every child is familiar with. It’s something that parents tell them from a young age, is taught by their teachers, and is probably written on posters inside their classrooms. But a child’s education from preschool to college is an expensive investment, as it will require them to shell out around P300,000 to P840,000 on tuition fees alone, according to Grit PH. With education being expensive, there are those who ask whether education is still the key to success.
In an episode of FUNDamentals on Plus Network, shares the importance of a child’s learning experience in their education and how it helps their success. According to Mendoza, there are parents who want their children to finish their education, but the reality is that their mindset should not just be focused on their child’s education, but also on their learning experience. What their children learn in school will access and open doors that will give them a path to future success.
There are the stories of the likes of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg who didn’t attend or finish college but still went on to achieve a lot of success. But even though they didn’t complete their education, they still maximized their learning experience and had access to networks of people, infrastructure, and peers that they worked with who opened doors for them to succeed and build their enterprise.
For Mendoza, it’s all about finding the right learning experience to invest for their children, taking stock of the options available to them, and assessing the best way to invest in a learning experience. Here are the three steps on how to find the best learning experience to invest in for your children’s education:
1. Know yourself – Mendoza mentions the Hedgehog Model from author Jim Collins, which talks about a go-to move that successful companies focused on that allowed them to thrive. What are our hedgehogs and go-to moves that will allow us to succeed? The Hedgehog Model includes identifying all of our passions, knowing what we can be best at, and determining the opportunities that will drive our economic engine and add to our income streams.
2. Know your options – Aside from the Hedgehog Model, Mendoza also advises parents and their children to know their options before investing in their education. This includes checking the courses that are available, the different payment plans, and scholarships.
3. Match who you are and your options – Once you have determined the things you are passionate about with the skills that you have developed and the opportunities that you have, it’s time to match them to better assess the best learning experience that you can get.
Mendoza repeats that it’s not just about the learning, but also the experiences that children are exposed to as they study, such as internships and side hustles that will give them practical skills that they can use along the career path they want to pursue. The future of learning actually lies in personalization and flexibility, as a one size fits all learning is not ideal as each individual is unique. In the end, it’s not about the finishing of one’s education, but the learning experience that parents should focus on and invest in, which will allow their children to succeed and reap the rewards of their investment.
It’s also not just about the brand or the name of the place where they learn from, but what they do with where they learn that truly counts. It’s important not just to invest in education, but to invest in the learning experience and make it count and get value for money to make sure that our investment in our children’s education will bear fruit.
For more financial tips, you can watch more episodes of FUNDamentals or visit PLUS Network on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or TikTok.