How can we help change the Philippines? – FUNDamentals

There are only a couple of months left in the year 2022, and we can say that so much has happened and changed! One of the highlights of the year is the Elections last May. Now, we have a new set of government officials and one can’t help but hope that something big should change and happen. Well, big things can start from a million little pieces. 

We, Filipinos, can collectively take part in this change. In an episode of FUNDamentals on Plus Network, Registered Financial Planner (US-based Global Certification) Edric Mendoza shared simple things we can do to make a big difference and help change the Philippines.

1. Pay your taxes

If you are employed, ensure that you get your Income Tax Return (ITR) from your employers. If you are self-employed or a business owner, you must handle and file your taxes. Consulting an accountant will help you pay the proper taxes. To freelancers and online sellers, get registered too! You can register as a self-employed, sole proprietor, or a business owner. Even as simple as asking for official receipts from coffee shops, restaurants, or stores we buy from is a way to ensure that the businesses we support pay their taxes.

Why do we need to pay taxes?

We might think “I am not sure where my taxes will go. Why should I pay?” We don’t have any control on what the government does with our taxes, but we can control our actions. Here are some reminders why we need to be responsible taxpayers:

– It is our legal obligation – Our tax is the number 1 source of where our government gets funding to provide for the needs of our country. When we pay our taxes, we help improve our country.

– Jesus said we need to pay our taxes – In Matthew 22:21, Jesus showed a coin to the people and asked them whose face can they see. He, then proceeded and said, “Give to Caesar what is due to Caesar, and give to God what is due to Him.” When, we pay our taxes, we don’t just obey the law but we also obey Jesus.

2. Support local businesses

In 2020, Department of Trade and Industry shared that 99.5% of all businesses in our country are Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). When we support these local businesses, we support the backbone of our economy and help our country. So the next time we order clothes or shoes, consider buying from our hardworking and creative local stores.

3. Be the best Filipino you can be

Inspired by Alexander Lacson’s book named “12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do to Help Our Country”, here are some questions we can ask ourselves to assess if we are being the best Filipino we can be:

– Do we speak highly of the Philippines and our fellow FIlipinos? Doing this shows that we have dignity and pride in being a FIlipino.

– Do we put our trash in the right place? As simple as it sounds, don’t litter. Our country is such a beautiful place. Let’s keep it that way and put trash where it should be.

– Do we obey the authorities around us? The Bible says obedience brings blessings. When we obey and respect the police men, traffic enforcers, security guards, and other authorities, we somehow bring change. As we respect them, they also feel dignity in what they are doing. 

For more financial tips, you can watch more episodes of FUNDamentals or visit PLUS Network on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or TikTok. 

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