Jungle. War zone. Battlefield. Which of these describe your workplace today?
Perhaps you battle with inertia, budget demands, politics, and lack of support, obvious obstacles and hidden agenda thrown your way. Or, do you find your aspirations constrained by limited skills, limited time, limited knowledge, as well as your personal limits for endurance?
In a jungle, animals fight and kill to keep their place in the food chain. In a war, roles are defined in terms of enemies or allies. In a battlefield, it’s a win-or-lose scenario. If we view the workplace along these lines, that is how it will be for us. It will create the kind of environment we strive to survive in every day.
Help, fun, and inspiration are available if you tune your awareness toward seeking peace in the midst of adversity. Gratitude feeds your spirit when you reach out to help others in the midst of your own struggles. No matter how tired your soul might be, you will find that with grace, you can shine on and be a light in the workplace.
With faith, adversity will simply be a glitch. Though the unexpected spikes in current run high and frequent, the transient jagged lines need not totally corrupt our view of what might lie beyond the troubling moment for us.
Victory is about winning with your personal best, harnessing adversity and negativity so that ahead lies days of productivity and a sense of satisfaction. Wouldn’t it be great to have victories each day in situations that threaten to entangle you in a messy web? Define the workplace as a venue where you learn to understand yourself and people, and discover your capability to contribute.
Sometimes it’s a long cold walk to find the next path. I hope this article proves to be your friend—a gift to lift your spirit during a time of adversity. With the wisdom you will gain through a difficult experience, you can make a strong contribution to others. Adversity challenges you to be clear about what is best in the light of values aligned with godly principles. Work towards a meaningful career which you consider as your service to God.
Adversity can bring out qualities in you that make you a bigger person. View the work setting as a field for competent service and character development. Sow seeds of effort which bring achievement. Plant seeds of friendship which can grow into lifelong relationships and seeds of contribution which flourish into fulfillment. In a world where negative forces can drain your energy, it is a victory just to get into a constructive zone.
Edmund Chan, in his talk on YouTube, “When Your Dreams Are Yet Unfulfilled”, says “Walk not in your disappointments. Walk in your destiny.” Whatever adversity you are experiencing right now, it is just a segment in your path, and your life can keep moving forward with peace.
Ten Ways to Deal with Adversity
- Navigate calmly around the static. Noise can include bad advice.
- Aspire to make choices that are right for you.
- A mentor is important. Make sure you get wise counsel.
- It’s good to have more than one mentor. A council of advisers is best.
- An accountability group helps to keep you mindful of your values.
- Start the day with God’s marching orders from His Word.
- Make time for nurturing relationships.
- Quality and size of network matters. Grow your network.
- Waiting can make a difference. Prayerfully seek guidance.
- When dirty tactics are used against you, stand your ground and stay clean.
Do not be anxious about anything,
but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4: 6 – 7

Lin Mukhi is the Vice President for Human Resources of Philippine Investment Management (PHINMA) Inc. Lin is a grateful mother to two teen-agers who help her unlock her mind to enjoy life and live her purpose at home and at work. Lin is the author of two books: Smart Moves in the Workplace (Anvil, 2005) and Smart Moves for Working Women (Anvil, 2006).